Our current understanding of physics faces two critical challenges: technological barriers and fundamental mysteries that remain unsolved despite decades of research.
A groundbreaking mathematical framework that unifies electromagnetism and gravity, developed over 20 years of rigorous research.
Bridging the gap between quantum mechanics and relativity through innovative mathematical tools and experimental validation.
Transforming theoretical breakthroughs into real-world applications in computing, energy, and materials science.
While the full potential of Extended Relativity remains to be discovered, we've identified several promising areas where our research could lead to breakthrough applications.
New insights into quantum phenomena could revolutionize computing, cryptography, and information processing in ways we're only beginning to imagine.
Understanding unified forces could unlock new approaches to energy generation and storage, potentially transforming our energy landscape.
Our unified theory might enable the development of materials with properties we currently consider impossible.
Like Einstein's theories leading to unforeseen technologies such as GPS, Extended Relativity could enable applications we haven't yet imagined.
Our team combines decades of theoretical physics expertise with practical engineering experience to bridge the gap between fundamental research and real-world applications.
Chief Researcher
A pioneering physicist with over 20 years dedicated to developing Extended Relativity theory. Author of "A Novel Approach to Relativistic Dynamics" and numerous groundbreaking papers in theoretical physics.
Head of Development
Expert in military systems development with extensive experience in electro-optics and image processing. Bridges theoretical research with practical applications.
Accomplished entrepreneur with a background in electronics engineering. Drives the strategic vision and ensures our groundbreaking research reaches its full potential.
We're seeking brilliant minds and visionary partners to join us in revolutionizing physics and technology. Your involvement could help shape the future of human innovation.
Y. Friedman, T. Scarr
Y. Friedman, T. Scarr
Y. Friedman, O. Himi
Y. Friedman, I. Nowik, I. Felner, J. M. Steiner, E. Yudkin, S. Livshitz, H.-C. Wille, G. Wortmann and A. I. Chumakov
Y. Friedman, J. M. Steiner, S. Livshitz, E. Perez, I. Nowik, I. Felner, H.-C. Wille, G. Wortmann, O. Efrati, A. Finkelstein, S. Petitgirard,A. I. Chumakov and D. Bessas
Y. Friedman
Y. Friedman